Lubbock Liberty Workshop

Lubbock Liberty Workshop

A Debate On Marijuana Policy April 2015   This informal debate fostered interesting dialogue that was quite ranging. The featured speakers for this engagement were: -Donald R. May: MD, FACS, farmer, surgeon, and Political Columnist “Mr. Conservative” – -Jake Syma: Communications Director for Hub City NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws)

Lubbock Liberty Workshop With Arnold Loewy On The Fourth Amendment  Lubbock Liberty and the Constitutionalist Society co-hosted this workshop on our Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable and warrantless searches and seizures. Prior to Independence, our founders were subject to “general warrants” which allowed the prying eyes of government to intrude at an official’s whim, especially against political dissidents.

Lubbock Liberty Workshop With Dr. Robert Tidwell On The History of Progressivism  Dr. Tidwell discusses political progressivism history and gives his perspective of how it has influenced the excessive scope of government today.


Lubbock Liberty Workshop

Lubbock Liberty Workshop